#UnaFamiliaInPhotos Contest Winner 3 and Grand Prize Winner

Congratulations to Patty Enrado, winner of Week 3 of the #UnaFamiliaInPhotos Twitter
contest! Her photo of her, her father, her sister, her aunties, uncles, and manongs is captioned “Family get-togethers always involve pig roasting.” It’s a photo that conveys family ties, tradition, and celebration.
The runner-up is Michelle Peñaloza who submitted a photo of her father, handsome and youthful, sitting on a bench with a congenial group of family or friends.
Each will receive an Hola and Goodbye keepsake.
The names of the five winners and runners-up were written on slips of paper and tossed on the carpet in the foyer near the Carolina Wren Press table at the North Carolina Writers’ Network Conference in the Crabtree Marriott in Raleigh. The slip of paper landing nearest a designated line was declared the winner. It also happened to be the only slip of paper that didn’t land flat on the floor, but instead stood upright – a sign we took as an omen. Witnessing this event were Robin Miura, director of Carolina Wren Press, and Tammie Ward Rice, also with the press.
And the winner of a copy of HOLA AND GOODBYE is Michelle Peñaloza!
Thanks to everyone who entered and to those who have supported the book so far with your tweets, likes, and, most of all, your purchase of the book.